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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

March 21, 2014

Report from Dominican Republic: Eye Opening Experience

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    These past 6 days have been some of the most memorable moments of my life. I've done lots of new and different things: construction to VBS. A lot of the people live in misfortune, and we've tried our best to help them and bring joy into their lives through fun and games and faith in Christ. The Christians here are so enthusiastic and devoted. The people are welcoming and friendly. Every person I pass will say "hello" and "God bless". This has been an amazing and inspiring experience, and is only my first of many mission trips to come. This trip has truly opened my eyes to a new world and my heart to Christ. The week has gone too fast, and I'm going to miss all of the extraordinary people I've met here. I'll be home too soon.

Colin Kytchak

March 20, 2014

Report from Dominican Republic: Village Life

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    Today I went to Kilometer 9. It was a small village with a few kids but still had fun and enjoyed the time that I spent with them. The village was filled with bugs, very little water, and nowhere really to live safely. Seeing their village made me think to myself about how blessed I am.

Carly Roesh

Report from Dominican Republic: Kids Love Hugs!

Report from Crossroads mission team members currently in the Dominican Republic:

    We are having a wonderful time serving the Lord. Every morning we have group devotions while we look out over the beautiful country and see the sunrise! Paul has had an opportunity to lay block in a village for a housing project. In that village Cindy was part of VBS and medical groups. The children love the hugs and love to play ball. (The weather has been comfortable so far!) A group of us went to the Compassion school. Cindy presented the Bible story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Rachel played her guitar while we sang B‑I‑B‑L‑E and Jesus Loves Me. Victor is the principal for 800 students. He gave us a tour of the school and in each classroom we prayed with the children. He specifically asked for prayer for the older children during their state tests. He has a deep desire for the children to learn. Paul facilitated a group question-and-answer time with some students and adults last night. It is so encouraging to see the young people living their faith out! We love you all and cannot wait to hug!

Cindy and Paul Sereda

Report from Dominican Republic: Carpentry and Construction

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    All is going well here in the DR. We are getting a lot of work done. The first two days were spent rebuilding and repairing the kitchen cabinets in the Cafe del Rey, where Beka works. Unfortunately we are still waiting for the countertop. Lord willing, it will arrive tomorrow. A crew of kids, the Cowans, and I built a cover for the baptismal. Tomorrow we plan on repairing a concrete pad here at the compound. We'll see what we can get done after that.

Dan Jaussen

Report from Dominican Republic: Visiting a Village

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    Yesterday Suzy, Carly, and I went to the village of Libonoa. Carly and Suzy did VBS with the kids and played games. I worked in medical again. So many people also came for the dentist. Everyone in the village said they were Catholic.

Barb Knauff

March 19, 2014

Report from Dominican Republic: Awe Inspiring

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    This trip, which I would rather call an adventure, has been so awe inspiring, and unbelievably wonderful. I have grown to know much more about Christ that I didn't know. Also the people here are lovely, they are motivating me to want to grow in my faith, because their stories of how they came to Christ, have really shown me to love GOD and be motivated to learn more about Him and His love. Shoutout to Paul Sereda.

Peter Jaussen

Report from Domincan Republic: Making a Difference

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    Hi everyone. It is Wednesday afternoon now. It was so nice to get off the plane after 4 hours and I was hot with a t-shirt. On Sunday morning we went to church. At these services you sing and dance. On the way back, we didn't cross over a river on a bridge, but through the river on a cattle truck. Monday, Rachel and I went to Village 50 to lay block. You can see how bad their houses are where we haven't built the new houses yet. It is amazing how much hope that has given to these families. The people here are very genuine wonderful people. It tears your heart, but you can't help them all. One village a t a time, between White Fields Foundation and MGM, we are making a difference. These little kids sure like hugs. They don't want to let go. Tuesday we went to the Compassion International school. It was very impressive. Today I worked with Dan Jaussen on the baptismal cover. Rachel has learned a lot here as well. I thank God that He gave us this opportunity to serve.

Cory Cowan

Report from Dominican Republic: Cafe del Rey

Report from a Crossroads mission team member currently in the Dominican Republic:

    I am in love with Cafe del Rey! As Dominican as it is, there is a familiar feeling as customers walk in and light up when they see Beka or Luciano behind the counter. Some come in just to talk without purchasing anything. Beka is certainly a part of the neighborhood. People drive by on scooters and yell greetings to her. She answers with a big smile, calling out their names. She is living as the heart and hands of Christ in Hato Mayor. It has been a privilege to watch her at work. Dan has done some repair work at the cafe, which has drawn some attention from curious passers-by. One man quizzed him on the Spanish words for tools, and he passed with flying colors! Suzy and I were part of a group that visited the Compassion school, what a wonderful experience. I feel more confident than ever in Compassion's work and integrity. Their efforts are intentional, well-executed, and a witness of Christ in this community. I am very grateful for this experience.

Martha Johnson



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805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454